Sheep Porcupine 4.JPG

No expedition comes without risk to the explorer. As a visitor to, you and only you are accountable for your own actions and personal safety while exploring the Maine islands. It is your responsibility to use the information available here with consideration and caution where appropriate. The authors of this website shall bear no responsibility for any damages, personal injury, or death incurred from Maine islands recreational activity.

Every reasonable effort has been made to offer information that is correct and current. However, information provided on is liable to change or undergo correctional updates as necessary, without notice. In addition, the maps available on this website are not intended for nautical navigation and should not be used as such. The administrators of this website thereby disclaim any responsibility for typographical errors or accuracy of the information available on this site.

Remember that many of the Maine islands are private! You must obtain owner permission before venturing to any of these islands, to respect their privacy and ensure your own legal safety. The administrators of this website assume no responsibility for acts of trespass.